Once again Nathan’s celebrated America’s birthday with itsfamous hot dog eating contest.
Joey Jaws Chestnut downed the competition by chomping down 62water-soaked hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes, winnings his fifthstraight mustard belt and $10,000, in the annual July 4tradition.
As the number one ranked competitive eater in the world by MajorLeague Eating (MLE), Chestnut once again proved he holds thestrongest stomach and the biggest appetite. He hoisted the Americanflag in celebration of his accomplishment and Independence Day.
For the first time ever the contest had split into a men’s andwomen’s draw. Fifth ranked Sonya Black Widow Thomas gobbledpassed the ladies by devouring 40 dogs and took home a pink beltand the same $10,000 prize.
The nationally televised event was crowded by a sea ofspectators in Coney Island to watch the professional big mouthsfrom around the country and some Chinese national eaters.
The most famous eater not invited to the table– six-time hotdog eating champion Takeru Kobayashi of Japan– competed from aroof-top bar in Manhattan and claimed he out-ate Chestnut and brokehis world record by eating 69 hot dogs.