Art is “housed” in Sunset Park

Art isn’t just in museums anymore.

Marianne Biro, creator of the Sunset House of Art, has broughtart and music to the neighborhood of Sunset Park. The project, abrain child of Biro, displays Biro’s works as well as her studentsand other artists’ pieces.

The gallery, located on 44th Street in a three-story house, isnot open to the public, except for privately arranged tours.However, on December 3, the doors to the house were thrown open andmany admirers of Biro’s work came out in full force.

Many of the people in attendance were first-time visitors whofound the idea of a house of art novel and exciting. Yumi Thomas, aprofessional singer who performed operatic pieces at the event,said, It is really a pleasure to see this art space. Thomas’sentiment was echoed by many of the guests, some of whom wereSunset Park residents that did not know of the space’s existenceuntil last Saturday.

Chris Svendson, a Sunset Park native, expressed his surprisethat the House of Art was in the area. I am just amazed; it is thefirst time I have seen this in this neighborhood, exclaimedSvendson. The this, Svendson clarified, is art andperformance.

Biro expressed her desire to create an artistic environment in aneighborhood that has three distinct cultures that rarelyintermingle. Biro claims that she wants the Sunset House of Art tobe an immersive experience and to be a haven, away from theugliness and unhappiness in the world.

The creator of the gallery exclaims that she has been paintingsince the age of 13 and discovered her passion and talent for artby accident while visiting a friend of her parents. Since then,Biro has created many pieces and explored different medium toexpress her visions, all of which can be seen at the House ofArt.

Biro has written a book, entitled One Artist’s War Against theInvisible Enemy. The book can be purchased by contacting theauthor.

To arrange a visit to the Sunset House of Art, contact Biro [email protected]. The Sunset House of Art also offers drawingclasses, taught by Biro. To sign up for the lessons, contact Biroat the above email address.

For more information about Biro’s works log

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