U.N. General Assembly commemorates and promotes the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

His Excellency Mr. Peter Thomson from Fiji picked the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons as a reminder of the threat and danger these apocalyptic weapons hold not only for humanity, but for the permanent damage they can cause to the climate, environment and the world’s existence as a whole.

Thomson censored the nuclear test performed on September 9, 2016 by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. This act was previously condemned by the UN Secretary Council as a violation of the non-proliferation regime.

In his statement, Thomson also declared, “As an international community, we must redouble our efforts to find a just and fair solution to address the differing views of member states, so that real progress on nuclear disarmament can be made, and ultimately, a global consensus reached.

“While this is not an easy task, with determination, open minds, and political will it is possible.

“As a first step, we need to ensure that the commitments we have already made are turned into concrete action.

“And second, we must work to increase public awareness of the risks posed by nuclear weapons, particularly among younger generations.”

Thomson closed his statement by highlighting the threat this recent nuclear test caused to the Asia Pacific region and the irreversible environmental effects and the peril to human health.

As president of the 71st session of the General Assembly, Thomson promised to continue following this issue closely and encouraged progress in disarmament and non-proliferation. He also committed to support all substantial international efforts to bring our humanity closer to a time when nuclear weapons become just a historical book reference rather than a constant threat to our human existence.

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