Jaime DeJesus


Sunset Park — Sunset residents worry about potential truck surge with reopening of South Brooklyn Marine Terminal

Sunset Park — Industry City to bring “Cinema Club for Kids” to Sunset Park

Sunset Park — 72nd Precinct Police Beat: Perp poses as police officer, robs man outside his home

Bay Ridge — 68th Precinct Police Beat: Perp scams elderly woman out of $1,202

Sunset Park — Assemblymember Ortiz voices concerns to mayor over potential trucking surge in Sunset

— Assemblymembers advocate protection of spousal refusal

Bay Ridge — Local bar celebrates the life of beloved Bay Ridge chef

Bay Ridge — Score! Former Ranger Andre Dore visits local school to teach kids hockey skills

Bay Ridge — Ridge playwright comes back home to bring “Men are Dogs” to Narrows Community Theater

Bay Ridge — St. Ephrem’s baseball award ceremony is a hit

— Brooklynites have choices for celebrating the Big Game

Sunset Park — Plans moving along for new Sunset school despite traffic concerns