Bay Ridge and its neighboring communities of Dyker Heights andBensonhurst have many theatrical groups including Ridge Choral,BrooklynOne, Regina Opera, and of course, Narrows CommunityTheater. Some have been around over 40 years, so, why is it that somany people do not seem to know this?
Many people are surprised to hear that, except for a fewprofessionals (director, musicians), we are made up of volunteers.Our performers are community residents and some travel fromManhattan, Staten Island, New Jersey and beyond to be in our shows.Work all day, then schlep to Bay Ridge at night (and weekends!) torehearse. And their resumes are impressive!Not only is this volunteer, but shows go on despite having toovercome many obstacles. Money is always an issue. Ticket salesalone do not defray the cost of putting on a show. Performancespace is a problem. Most of the groups do not have a permanent hometo rehearse, build and store sets and costumes, and perform. NCThas had to move many times. Often in mid-production, the groupshave had to scramble to find a new location to perform. But,amazingly, we always do.Theater serves the community well. Our rosters of performers andvolunteers range from six-year-olds through people in theirmid-80s. And I have not even touched on the other culturalinstitutions in our neighborhood — The Art Room, Gallery 364, theNarrows Botanical Garden, to name a few.So, bottom line, Bay Ridgeites should be aware of how blessed theyare to have exposure to so much culture within their small radius.But, we need your support. We need an audience. We need financialhelp. We need support from local businesses to help promote ourshows. We need volunteers. Come to our shows! Fill our theaters.Take ads in our programs. Volunteer. Tell your neighbors andfriends. Get the word out.Sincerely,Susan HuizingaPresident, Narrows Community Theater, Inc.Leave a Reply
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