KITTIES UP FOR ADOPTION: Hey Jude, Dewey, a two-year-old male,good-looking orange and white tabby tuxedo, is neutered with shots.Dewey is a sweetheart. He’s good with cats. He’s intellectual. Hisbuddy, Jean Indian Club, a one-year-old, black and white tuxedo,also neutered with shots. He has the best personality in the world.He is good with kids over seven years old and other cats. He isvery smart. These rescued kitties are a beautiful contrast, withpurring personalities. Call Marion or Fred at 917-941-6854. Thereis an adoption fee. Mention The Home Reporter.
POOCH NEEDS FOREVER HOME: Titian, is a young, medium size maleblack Labrador Retriever Mix. The kennel is no place for him to be.This movingly affectionate young guy needs a family to call his ownand maybe even some furry friends to play with. He’s a lovely boywho would love to spend his life showing his loyalty and love. He’seager to please and can’t wait to show off for a doting owner.Contact us to find out if Titian is the right dog for you. We candeliver him to you. Call 917-754-3537.
Dear Friends, It is with a heavy heart that I write to tell youthat Brooklyn Animal Foster Network is being forced to shut downoperations. We are broke. A recent appeal failed to bring in enoughmoney to pay for even one of our rescued dogs who is suffering frompneumonia, which just cost us $4,000. We realize that these aredifficult times for everyone, but unfortunately, the helplessanimals who depend entirely on us, are the ones who wind up payingthe price. We are begging, pleading for help. We cannot continueour life-saving work of feeding, vetting, caring for and adoptingout our rescued animals without your help. Please do not letanother dog or cat wind up in our high kill shelters because we areunable to come to the rescue. Two very special lives we saved thismonth are Toni and Elij. Thank you, God Bless. Call Laurie Bleier,president, at 917-754-3537.DON’T DELAY…SPAY/NEUTER TODAY! Cats are multiplying by thethousands. In seven years, one unspayed female cat and heroffspring can reproduce 420,000 unwanted, starving homeless cats.Visit for details about discount spaying/neuteringcertificates. More than 30 Brooklyn veterinarians participate inthis program.
PURRING UPDATE: PeggySue, official Spay/Neuter Cat Ambassadorand Calay
Adopt-A-Pet Spokes kitty: Super Stars meeewing messages ofhope.Three legged PeggySue, now seven years old, solid gray, semi-feralcat that Norm rescued from the basement in our apartment building,has a special catnip cuddle doll designed in her image, remindingus to see capabilities not disabilities. Calay, my five year oldCalico kitty, was rescued from near death. At six weeks, TeresaRomano, from Mama T’s Animal Services, missing back paw was badlyinfected, with 103° fever.Six-week-old handicapped kitten. *Please read about TeresaRomano below* Muffin’s created a PeggySue catnip/cuddle doll, toremind people to See Capabilities, not the Disabilities.’ The newjoyful energy in our home is much welcomed. Another new beginningis our work with the Mayor’s Alliance getting feral cats altered.In addition to adoptions and our spay/neuter work, we assist withmedical expenses whenever possible. Your support has been ablessing, helping us continue our work. Included in this issue arejust a few of the many adoptions we have assisted. In closing thisyear, we wish you all the best for the new year! Jude &Norm
Teresa Romano is a guardian angel for God’s orphaned kitties. Stillin her PJs and wearing slippers, Teresa responded to an emergencycall about a three-legged kitten with a dangling back paw. She flewlike an angel, and grabbed the sick six-week-old calico from thestreet. She was horrified when she saw pus and blood pouring out ofthe infected little stump from the malnourished, flea infestedkitten. She rushed the kitty to the vet, who thought the entireback paw might have to be surgically removed. Teresa gave theClavamox, and nurtured the kitty 24-7. The Healing Angel saved thekitten’s life. There was no surgery on the little stumpy. GodKissed Her Little Paw, Muffin’s adopted Calay.Z