A localeducational institution paid tribute to supporters at a recentfundraising dinner at Gargiulos Restaurant.
FontbonneHall Academy hosted its ninth annual Fleur de Lys dinner dance atthe landmark Coney Island eatery last Wednesday, honoring broadcastand print journalist Maria Bartiromo, a Fontbonne graduate;Josephine Beckmann, the district manager of Community Board 10;Andrea Geremia DEmic, the principal of St. Patricks School and agraduate of Fontbonne; Angela Gallo, the parent of an alumna whoserves on the schools Scholarship Dinner and Fleur de LysCommittees; Debra Pepe, the health and science teacher atFontbonne, and the mother of an alumna; and Thomas Stramka, thefather of a Fontbonne student and alumna, and a longtime backer ofthe school.
The sixhonorees will be installed in Fontbonnes Hall of Fame, accordingto Sister Dolores Crepeau, the schools principal, who stressed,They are among those who, over the years, have blessed usabundantly by giving so much of their time and talent to FontbonneHall Academy.