It is rare that teachers receive the appreciation they deserveuntil long after the graduation day ceremonies are over. And whileit would probably pain many students to admit it, practicallyeveryone has had a teacher who changed his or her life for thebetter.
State Senator Marty Golden doesn’t want the years to go by beforethe teachers of School Districts 20, 21 and 22 receive recognitionfor their efforts. On June 22, District 21 Superintendent IsabelDiMola presented the awards to more than 30 educators on Golden’sbehalf; the senator was in Albany for the extended legislativesession and was unable to attend.Each year, I invite principals of our outstanding schools tonominate one teacher that has excelled on their faculty and hastruly made a difference in the school, Golden explained. Thisyear, as in the past, I have publicly recognized them for theirachievements and for all that they do for their students.Honorees included Christina Del Borrello of P.S. 506, Allison Demasof P.S. 503, Theresa Cartusciello of P.S. 247, Linda Idzinski ofP.S. 185 and Anna Marie Altadonna of P.S. 112.Leave a Reply
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