HEY JUDE: I’m Franny, a cute, six-year-old spayed female withshots. I enjoy lots of petting, and will be your best friend if youshow me even a small amount of love and care. I am very gentle andsweet, a bit of a scaredy cat.’ I have been an only cat, but wouldgladly share my space with a calm cat. I am very loyal, but mymommy is moving, I need a new home, a friend. Please contact:[email protected]
Greetings: My name is Sam, I am a female. I am brown and gold incolor with big green eyes. I am 1½-years-old. About a year ago, Iwas hanging out in a yard when I found this lady who I really tooka liking to. She fed me everyday, took me to the doctor. They gaveme all my shots and had me fixed. When winter came, she took meto live in her basement so I would stay warm.She is moving, I would love to go with her, but she has a male catthat I just can’t seem to get along with. I love just hanging outwith people, laying on the sofa watching TV or looking out thewindow. I hate to have to leave this place. Non-kill shelters arenot appealing; they are totally full. So if there is anyone outthere who would like a forever guest like me, please call my friendMarie at 347-262-0841. Thanks guys. Sincerely, Sam.RESCUED KITTENS: Three adorable babies need loving, responsiblehomes. Rescuer is disabled; please help Mary at 718-645-6955.DOG NEEDS YOU…ROCKY, is a gentle, loving 10-year-old male,Pointer mix, neutered with shots. He’s a medium size good pooch.Owner died, July 19, 2011. His elderly parents are mourning, andcannot take care of their son’s dog. Rocky is sweet; he’s a nonbarker, walks nice and easy on the leash. He needs a new home, afriend. Please call Margaret, 718- 833-5737.LOST/STOLEN — YORKIE, MALE, TWO YEARS OLD, 10 POUNDS. Matsu waslast seen in Hanson Place, Brooklyn. Please check lostmydoggie.com.Contact Joan, 917-587-1276; reward.Muffin’s Pet Connection: Week of September 1

Franny, Sam and Rocky and three unnamed kittens are all in need of a loving home.