HEY JUDE: Hi, my name is Blizzard. I am a seven year-old, allwhite, blue-eyed, neutered Turkish Angora and am up-to-date on allmy shots. I am also FELV and FIV negative.

I will soon be in need of a forever home. My owner is moving toEurope at the end of October and can’t take me with her. I know sheis very sad and wants to make sure I get a loving home. Although Iam deaf, I have a wonderful personality and I do like other cats. Ipreviously had a urinary tract infection, so I must be on a specialdiet of Royal Canin S/O which I like very much.

Please consider adopting me. I will be forever grateful and will beyour friend for life. If you are interested, you can email mycurrent caretaker [email protected]. Thank you.

FRANK’S TRAIN YARD KITTIES: Five adorable kittens live in aBrooklyn train yard, where they are fed, cared for and loved. Thecolder weather is coming. Please, they need a loving home now. Theboys and girls vary in age from 10 to 13 weeks. Contact: Frank 917-774-2060. Mention The Home Reporter.

LEO NEEDS YOUR HELP: While Deborah and Diana were feeding cats,they found a kitty huddled in the corner of an alley, unable tomove. The cat was not walking, and seemed in shock. They provided ashelter, food and water for Leo the cat, but he wasn’t eating ordrinking, and looked totally terrified.

The next day Leo was still in the shelter. They removed him toclean the shelter; his right back leg was three times the size ofhis other leg. Leo went to the vet, and the news was bad. He musthave been viciously attacked by a dog. The right/swollen leg wasbitten badly and the left leg was broken in several places. Leo rana very high temperature; there was a possibility that his leg hadto be amputated. The estimated bill is $6,000, and $3,000 wasalready donated.

He did not hiss, growl or fuss. He’s a beautiful orange tabby, avery friendly cat, and he deserves another chance. Please help Leo.For more information, contact: [email protected].


Your cat has a stubborn itchy rash around his head and he’s lickingall the fur off his stomach. Maybe he even has sores on his skinfrom all the scratching he’s doing. You’ve gone to the vet andfound out that he doesn’t have fleas or ringworm, and you don’tthink he’s been exposed to any other irritants. Now what?

Your kitty may be suffering from food hypersensitivity. The mostcommon food allergens are wheat, corn, beef, pork, dairy and fish,and you may be able to reduce the severity of your cat’s conditionby switching to a food that doesn’t contain these ingredients. Ifneeded, your vet may give your cat a steroid shot to bring downacute swelling and itching.

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