DEAR JUDE: Hi! Sammie is back home…safe and sound!
For people who might not have heard about Sammie, my now four-yearold, blind cat that accidentally got out of his happy home on 66thStreet between Fifth and Sixth Avenues on October 9, 2010, exactlyone year later to the day, Sammie came home.Nobody ever gave up hope that Sammie was alive somewhere inBrooklyn…but where? Cat lovers, intuitives, store owners,friends, strangers all pitched in during the last year to do whatthey could to help find a lost blind cat. The neighborhood wasflooded with posters, mailings, pet amber alerts, newspaper ads,Facebook pages and lost pet sites.People called to tell me that they were praying for Sammie. Ireceived calls from Florida, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. All ofthis kindness and support was overwhelming. I have learned fromthis experience that there were many great people in the world,willing to help because a lost blind cat needed help.After 365 days of being told to keep the faith’ and don’t giveup,’ Sammie is finally back home! We received the miracle we hadbeen praying for. A woman named Terry, who lives at 57th Street and11th Avenue, called. She has been feeding and caring for Sammie onher block for over seven months. When I saw Sammie for the firsttime, I could not believe my eyes – the smile on my face still hasnot come off. A big THANK YOU to everyone for your help andprayers; you will always hold a special place in my family’shearts…we truly were given a miracle. – Karen, Sammie’sMomCOMMENTS FROM A NEW FRIEND: For a year, Sammie’s family, friendsand fellow cat lovers continued looking for him, putting up flyersin five languages, following up on leads, being interviewed by News12, speaking with psychics. When he was found, Sammie went straightto the vet. He had fleas, had lost a pound and a half, but hepassed his medical exam and seems to be doing fine. Welcome homeSammie! – JeanineGod is an Awesome God! – JudeLeave a Reply
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