HEY JUDE, ADOPTIONS — WOOF WOOF: Rocky Sebastian, five-year-oldCocker Spaniel Labrador mix, 45 pound dog, neutered, current withshots. He is best suited for an adult family. He loves people anddogs, a great companion. Spoiled, he loves to sleep at the end ofowner’s bed on his own blanket. Owner moved from a house to ano-pet, unfriendly apartment. Please contact Dolores at work:516-326-0808 X 3674.

MEEEOW MEEEOW: Minerva ‘n Martiza, five months old, spayed, withshots, pretty, sweet sisters. They were rescued from living on thestreet after another sister was hit and killed by a car in DykerHeights, Brooklyn. They are mostly black with white on chest andbelly. The sibs love to play and romp. They keep each othercompany, always having a playmate. Their rescuer got them used tokisses and the good life.

Contact Becky or Chris @ 718 744 5169; you can see the cats’photo at

KEEP YOUR BLACK CAT SAFE ON HALLOWEEN: Black cats have beenlinked negatively to Halloween, associated with images ofwitchcraft and evil. As a result, countless black cats sufferduring this time of year.

All cats are at risk around Halloween, whether at the hands ofcruel people or by accidentally darting out when you open a door totrick-or-treaters, but black cats have a higher chance of being thevictims of abuse.

During this holiday, do not re-home a black cat, do not allow astranger to adopt him. Most shelters won’t adopt out black catsduring the entire month of October.

Hi Jude,

Your September 22, 2011 column in The Home Reporter about catsbeing emotional sponges was absolutely true. When I am feelingwork-related tension, my cats tend to go off by themselves, liedown in tense positions, curl up in tight little balls with eyesclosed, appearing to be not really sleeping soundly.

When I relax, my cats come out of hiding, lie down on theirbacks, exposing their bellies. They look relaxed, I swear thattheir facial expressions look happy–dare I say that they evenappear to smile.

– Cat DeCapua

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