BROOKLYN EDUCATION: Week of November 17

I.S. 259 Students raise funds for charity

I.S. 259, located at 7301 Fort Hamilton Parkway, and theschool’s I Love Me Campaign held a hair feather fundraiser to helpraise money for breast cancer research and the Susan G. KomenFoundation. Students and staff participated in this event andraised over $700.

The I Love Me Campaign is a voluntary student club that meetsweekly after school. The goal of the club is to increase confidenceand boost the self-esteem of its members. Club members haveT-shirts that they wear to meetings and when they travel as agroup, for example, during a visit to a local nursing home. Thestudents work to help their community and people less fortunatethan themselves. The funds that they raise go to charity and not tothe school.

Guidance Counselor Ms. Madonia and the I Love Me Campaign alsoheld their annual Boo Bake Sale on October 31. Proceeds from theBoo Bake Sale go to various children’s charities such as autismawareness and juvenile diabetes research. In total, Ms. Madonia andthe I Love Me Campaign raised $1,200 in charitable contributionsduring the month of October.

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The PTA of P.S. 748, located at 1664 Benson Avenue, will host aBake Sale on November 23. The PTA will be selling baked goodsoutside of the school for those passing by. All proceeds will go topurchase classroom supplies for the students.

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The PTA of I.S. 227, located at 65th Street and 16th Avenue,will be hosting a Holiday Boutique on December 15. Vendors areneeded. Please call Lisa at 917-864-8958.

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Bishop Kearney High School students and faculty chaperonestraveled to Washington, D.C. on October 27 as part of the WoundedWarrior Project, which provides support to injured service members.The Kearney students visited the Wounded Warriors and theirfamilies at Bethesda Hospital and Fort Belvoir and retired veteransat the United States Armed Forces Retirement Home.

While on their three-day visit to our nation’s capital, thestudents entertained the veterans and their families anddistributed new pajamas and homemade cookies. They also visitedsome of the significant veteran’s memorials in the Washington, D.C.area.

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The Greater New York City Ice Hockey League, Inc. (GNYCIHL) heldits Second Annual Skate-A-Thon to raise funds to help fight breastcancer. The event features young hockey players and coaches skatinglaps at Abe Stark Rink in Coney Island to help raise money to finda cure for the disease. The board of directors reports that thisyear’s donation to the American Cancer Society was an impressive$10,000.

GNYCIHL offers both boys and girls (four to 18 years of age) aprogressive and competitive recreational environment geared towardsdevelopment of hockey skills and knowledge of the game, with acommitment to building character and responsibility within all itsplayers.

For more details about the ice hockey league, please contactLisa Davie at [email protected] or go to the website

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