On November 21, The Home Reporter and BrooklynSpectator are kicking off a food drive to benefit a localnon-profit organization, Reaching Out Community Services, whichoperates a food pantry that allows its clients to shop the shelvesjust as if they were in a regular supermarket.
With the holidays upon us, the spirit of giving is in the air. Thatgiving should go beyond friends and family to our neighbors in need- and there are more than ever, as a result of the country’sstraitened economy.Reaching Out, which has grown over the course of two decades toserve some 4,000 needy Brooklyn families, needs some help itself.Having enough food to distribute to clients is a pressing need,said Executive Director Thomas Neve, who keeps pushing as fundingstreams dry up to make sure that the pantry can keep its doors openand keep food on the tables of those who depend on it.We want to do our part. We have partnered with local electedofficials who have offered up space In their offices for drop boxesfor donations, which will be collected until December 19, thenpicked up by Reaching Out so that the families it serves can enjoya festive holiday dinner.We understand that not everyone is able to give; but, if you can,please stop by one of the drop-off locations (see story on page *for list) and add to the bounty of nonperishable food – cans, jars,boxes and bottles.Every item will go toward helping take the edge off the hunger thatso many people in our borough face on a daily basis and helpingfellow Brooklynites have a happy holiday season.Leave a Reply
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