As the weather continues to boggle our minds and interfere withour fall fun, autumn in New York goes on. On Saturday night, ourborough was blanketed with a layer of snow and ice as the heavensrained freezing slush for most of the day and night. As a result,Halloween parties were invaded with soggy zombies, superheroes andprincesses, shivering in their homemade costumes.

In our fair city, there is hardly a weekend that passes without adozen activities to keep us busy. This weekend, our five boroughswill be invaded by thousands of amazing athletes, as theyparticipate in the annual ING New York City Marathon. The racetakes runners on a 26-mile trek through the boroughs, acrossbridges and finally to Central Park’s glorious finish line.

In the Ridge, residents will line Fourth Avenue to cheer on familyand friends as they race in the early leg of their journey togreatness. One group of marathon runners pounding the pavement thatday will be doing so for a very worthy cause. Our city is filledwith families who have been affected by cancer. This weekend, ateam which has raised millions of dollars for cancer research inraces around the world will be taking to the streets in an effortto battle this horrific disease.

Running legend and co-founder of the original N.Y.C . Marathon,Fred Lebow was diagnosed with brain cancer in 1990. While he wasbeing treated at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Lebowencouraged Marathon runners to solicit donations for the miles thatthey ran.

Since 1995, Fred’s Team has raised over $42 million forgroundbreaking research at Sloan, one of the foremost cancertreatment hospitals in the world. On Sunday, over 700 runners fromFred’s Team, many of whom have been personally touched by cancer,will run for this amazing cause.

Thousands of runners will cross over the Verrazano Bridge on Sundaymorning. Most will do so to achieve a personal goal, crossing thefinish line and marking a time. Others will be inspired by a moreselfless cause, honoring loved ones who face the ultimate fight.They run for sons, daughters, moms, fathers, aunts, uncles,cousins, nephews, nieces and friends. They do so for those who arenot able to run, for those suffering with cancer. They run forresearch, for money to continue, for days ahead, for future, andfor hope!

As a borough, we are lucky to host one of the most prestigious andpublicized events in the sports world. It also provides anopportunity to highlight the crucial work being done for cancerresearch. Cancer touches every family, in every walk of life andevery age group. As you watch the runners pass by on Sundaymorning, remember Fred’s Team and support with your voice and yourdonations!

For more information on how to donate to Fred’s team, visitwww.fredsteam.org.

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