This year, Santa Claus came a little early for some localscouts.
On the morning of Saturday, December 3, the New Utrecht ReformedChurch at 84th Street and 18th Avenue, boy and cub scouts fromTroop 20 had an opportunity to meet the right jolly old elf at aholiday fundraiser organized by Cub Scout Master Elaine Delaney andBoy Scout Master Frank Maddalena.
The kitchen crew was led by Judge Arthur Schack, MikeBlydenburgh and Joe Conly. Schack was a Boy Scout himself and nowserves as the chairperson of the troop. He cooked a tasty breakfastfor everyone that included French toast with sausage and eggs,while his wife Dilia Schack helped the children create Christmasarts and crafts.
The event – like the entire scouting program – is about allowingkids to have wholesome fun while learning important life skills andgiving back to the community. Members of Troop 20 have beeninvolved in food drives, toy drives, military drives andneighborhood clean-ups, as well as marching in parades.
Nick Roman, 16, who is the senior patrol leader of Troop 20,stated, Delaney and Maddalena make you want to be a betterperson.
Luis Toledo believes his son Sean’s involvement in Troop 20’sCub Scouts has been a positive influence and has given himconfidence and understanding of nature and the world.
Along with their parents, children lined up to take a picturewith Santa Claus, and each child was given a special Christmasgoodie bag. Prizes were also handed out to winners of the rafflecontest.