The spirit of giving was evident at P.S. 160 in Borough Park.Each month, the staff and students decide on a service project.This month, the 900 students and 70 staff members sent carepackages to the troops stationed in Afghanistan to thank them fortheir service to our country.
Staff members donated games, puzzle books, candy, toiletries,socks and decorations. Inserted in the packages were cards fromstudents expressing their gratitude for the troops’ sacrifice anddedication.
Two command posts will receive the packages. One of the commandposts is located in a remote area and does not have a PX nearby.Thanks to Lucille Lovisi from the Dyker HeightsPost Office, the packages were mailed so that they would arrive intime for the holidays.
This project is an example of the way Principal MargaretRusso and the staff of P.S. 160 work to instill in thestudents the importance of giving back to their community.
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During the annual social studies fair at I.S. 227, ShallowJ.H.S., students in all three grades explored various topics insocial studies. They explained their topics with poster boarddisplays and oral presentations.
This year, the fair included a special tribute to LindaRomano
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The Tablet newspaper and the Archbishop John Hughes Knights ofColumbus recently held their Keep Christ in Christmas artcontest.
Among the winners was Catherine Tucci
Aladeyemi OshoMartyGolden
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Saint Saviour High School held its 32nd annual Cultural HarmonyDay. As part of the celebration, students brought in ethnic foodsand others performed ethnic songs and dances. After theperformances, there was a fashion show in which some of thestudents dressed in their native garb.
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The Michael Gordon Foundation scholarships were recently awardedto nine students at St. Edmund Preparatory High School.Thomas TillanderJohn TillanderJessica BolandNicholasBrownJonathan BrowneGabrielle DeJesusFrancheskaFerdmanRosanna GraziusoCheyenne LanghirtShannonMonahan and Natasha Smith.
The late Michael Gordon was born in Budapest,Hungary, and studied the art of making handbags in France. He cameto the United States and became a world-famous handbag designer. In1991, he established the Michael Gordon Foundation, Inc. to helpchildren in the areas of education, health and welfare.