Christmas 2011 is officially over, and around the city, December26 brought a collective sigh of relief as life went back to normal.Garbage cans were packed tight with torn wrapping paper and fridgesoverflowed with leftovers from the holiday table.
At gyms near and far, every treadmill was taken, as residents got ahead start on New Year’s resolutions, hoping to sweat out the eightpounds of holiday cookies and eggnog they had piled on in the last48 hours.As we fill this week with trips to the mall to return and exchange,and slowly unravel the holly from our trees, we look forward to theend of 2011. As we do so, we anticipate one more night ofcelebration on the ever-festive New Year’s Eve.Like most New Yorkers, I would not be caught dead in the chaos ofTimes Square on that night. The idea of spending 12 hours packedlike a sardine among thousands of strangers, freezing and far fromany chance of a restroom break, does not appeal to those of us whocall this city home.Nor do I desire an evening of overpriced cocktails in one ofManhattan’s velvet rope-flanked night clubs, which charge hundredsfor a ticket. Brooklynites know that if you want to ring in the newyear like a New Yorker, you need not look further than our ‘hood,where there will be celebrations you will never forget.This weekend, Bay Ridge nightlife will offer a ton of great eventsto ring in 2012 in style. For those who would like to party like arock star, Bay Ridge offers no shortage of places to dance thenight away.Gallery Social on Third Avenue will have DJs spinning all night,and included in the ticket they will offer hors d’oeuvres, threehours of open bar, and a free champagne toast at midnight.Delia’s Lounge on Third will also offer open bar, champagne andamazing appetizers for a fraction of what you would pay atrestaurants across the river.For a different vibe, Wicked Monk on Fifth Avenue will have livemusic at a party that always runs till the wee hours of the newyear.For those who are looking for a more sophisticated and mellow wayto celebrate 2012, stop in at one of Bay Ridge’s best restaurantslike Cebu, Fushimi or Pearl Room for an amazing last supper of2011.Whatever your taste, consider spending your New Year’s Eve checkingout all that Bay Ridge nightlife has to offer!Leave a Reply
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