Visitation Academy began its Christmas season on December 4 withan evening of events: a tree lighting, nativity blessing,celebratory Mass and a ceremony honoring this year’s distinguishedalumnus.
So many of the community members and our school community wereall here assembled outside, said Arlene Figaro, principal ofVisitation. It’s time to gather and celebrate the season and honorour distinguished alumnus.
Monsignor Jamie Gigantiello officiated the blessing of thenativity. Soon after, there was a countdown to the tree lighting,at which 50 trees were lit up with white lights.
Each tree was dedicated by different members of the communityand school in memory of present and deceased family and friends,Figaro explained.
After the lighting, the school choir, directed by Ben Tubb, sanga variety of tunes, such as We Three Kings and Silent Night.Then, the crowd gathered in Sacred Heart Chapel where Gigantiellosaid Mass.
After Mass we had the annual dedication of a distinguishedalumni award to a grad that has exemplified commitment to educationor in another field, Figaro said.
This year’s awardee was Dr. Christine DeLorenzo, who went on toattend Stuyvesant High School and received three master’s degreesfrom Dartmouth College in bio-medical engineering. She alsoreceived one master’s degree and her PhD in bio-medical engineeringfrom Yale University in 2007.
The award was presented by the president of Visitation’sFather’s Club, Victor Gomez. A reception in the alumni roomfeaturing hot chocolate and cookies sponsored by the Father’s Clubcapped off the evening.