On December 12, the P.S. 186 chorus visited Holy Family NursingHome to perform a holiday concert. Approximately 100 students fromkindergarten through fifth grade entertained the residents. To addto the fun, 12 lively tap dancers from the second grade had theresidents tapping along!
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The I Love Me Club at I.S. 259, McKinley J.H.S., hosted a toydrive in December along with the school’s student government. Theydelivered the toys to the HeartShare School, located at Bay 19thStreet and Bath Avenue. The HeartShare School serves students withautism. The McKinley volunteers went into the classrooms andhand-delivered the toys to the happy children.
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The Michael Gordon Foundation recently awarded scholarships toseven students at Bishop Kearney High School. Sister ThomasineStagnitta, principal, presented the awards totaling $23,375 inrecognition of the students’ scholastic achievement and academicpromise. The winners were Anna Bujinowski, Katie Giorgi, KimberlyKeane, Demi Komunicki, Michele Sciannantena, Priscilla Spano andValbona Vucetaj.
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With the generous donations of yarn from students, parents andrelatives at Saint Saviour High School, Sister Elizabeth Kelly andfriends from the Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent in Brooklyn knitblankets for babies with AIDS. Nearly 400 blankets have beenproduced since November 2010, and they are distributed to babies atLutheran Medical Center, Brookdale Hospital and Lincoln Hospital.Saint Saviour students became involved in the program through SaintSaviour’s Campus Minister Sister Anne Lally.
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Saint Saviour High School held its first Christmas Card contest.Students entered their drawings, and the winning drawing wasselected as the official artwork for Saint Saviour’s 2011 Christmascard.
The winning entry was designed by senior Alisa Prude-Hunt and isnamed, A Student Holding a Candle. Prude-Hunt says thatinspiration for the design came from the Christmas Mass traditionwhere seniors process through the church aisles carrying glowingcandles to signify the advent season.