GENERALLY SPEAKING: Week of January 19

AARP offers free tax preparation service

The Bay Ridge AARP Chapter #3630, announces the AARP Foundationis once again providing free tax preparation and assistance atthree local sites in Southwest Brooklyn. They include St. Patrick’sChurch Rectory, 9511 Fourth Avenue, 718-238-2600, on Mondays from10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Regina Pacis Youth Center, 1258 65th Street,718-232-4340, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.;and Our Lady of Angels Church Rectory, 7320 Fourth Avenue,718-836-7200, on Fridays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

According to the National AARP, the service focuses on helpingpeople with low or moderate income and aged 60 or older. Manyseniors who use professional tax preparers often pay from $150 to$300 to get a simple tax return done. If you’re worry about theircompetence, don’t be. We’re advised, AARP tax aide volunteersreceive several days of training, and pass three IRS certificationtests plus an ethics exam.

The AARP Tax assistance service is the largest program of itstype in the country. While the local outlets are at faith-basedinstitutions, the service is provided on a non-sectarian basis.AARP counselors request that you bring your 2011 W-2 and a copy ofyour 2010 tax returns.


Three elected officials were on hand last week at the YellowHook Grille, to help launch the new book published by the Bay RidgeHistorical Society and co-authored by this writer, Bay RidgeHistorical Society President Jack LaTorre andlongtime former BRHS President Peter Scarpa.

The legislators, City Councilmember VincentGentileMarty Golden andNYS Assemblymember Nicole Malliotakis praised theauthors for their community service and heralded the importantcontribution the new book makes helping to preserve and record BayRidge history. All the proceeds from the book are being donated tothe Bay Ridge Historical Society.

Among some others joining the launch celebration wereChuck OteyJosephine BeckmannChipCafieroPeter and Patricia KillenLinda OrlandoBrian MerlisLaurieWindsorBobCapanoLinda Lupia representingAssemblymember Alec Brook-KrasnyJustin BrannanMatthew ScarpaJanetGeneral and Staples Promotion Manager OttavioArena.


Coming on the heels of the successful launch of BayRidge, Etc.

The event will include noted photographer Deborah EllenMatlack

The very attractive and knowledgeable bookstore proprietorsBina ValenzanoChristineFreglette


I’m sure many recall the recent news account of the concertgoerwho was attending a performance by the New York Philharmonic atAvery Fisher Hall, in Manhattan, being conducted by AlanGilbert

It occurred while Gilbert was in the last movement of Mahler’sNinth Symphony. Gilbert stopped the music and looked toward thedirection of the bellowing cell phone and reportedly said, Wouldyou please just admit it. It’s okay; just turn it off. Is it offnow? Gilbert then had the orchestra resume where it left off.

This situation prompted us to ask three highly-regarded localmaestros what they would have done under similar circumstances.Jeff Samaha told us he usually plays relativelylively show tunes where the music doesn’t dip too softly, so hewould tough it out. However, if it was persistent and noisy, hewould stop, and if it wasn’t a lengthy number replay it from thebeginning.

Tom Oberle

Brian Worsdale

Bottom line, folks, don’t become embarrassed or showdiscourtesy– silence or turn off that cell phone when you walkinto an auditorium, concert hall or even a movie theater!


Former Community Board 10 Chairperson and retired NYPD CaptainDean Rasinya and his wife, HelenAndrew GounardesSteve Gounardes and DianneGounardes


As a past Council Civic Award winner (2005) and veteran memberof the Fourth Estate, we will be joining our colleagues at the BayRidge Community Council’s annual President’s Luncheon, on Saturday,January 28, at the Bay Ridge Manor. The event will be emceed byCouncil Executive Secretary Arlene Keating.Alex Conti is the current Council president.


To reach Ted General via the Internet, his e-mailaddress is:

[email protected]

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