ALERT-LOST CAT: She is a gray and white tabby, with white on herchest and white on tip of toes. She was lost in the vicinity of79th Street and Sixth Avenue. She is an outside cat that has beenspayed and ear tipped. She is six years old. She has always beenoutside cat and has never left the backyards. There was a housefire on the block on December 12, and she went missing a few dayslater. She answers to Twiggy. I can be reached at (646) 719-8814.Thank you, Ann Marie…
BIG PUPPY NEEDS A NEW HOME: Hi! My name is Samson. I am aone-year-old, 80-pound Labrador/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. I amneutered and up to date on all my vaccines. I enjoy playing at thepark with other pups, as well as playing fetch with my humanfriends.
My owners are seeking a new home for me because they have tomove and they want to ensure that I have a backyard to play in. Iknow they are going to miss me, but it would mean the world to themif they found a great new owner for me. Please adopt me if you arelooking for a loving, affectionate, cuddly pup. Woof. Feel free toemail or call (347) 757-1096.
NO-KILL NEW YORK CITY is in sight…We have mapped out exactlyhow to get there, and we hope you will join the road trip to a NewYork City where no healthy or treatable cat or dog is killed merelybecause he or she is homeless.
Our Wheels of Hope fleet of vans clocked almost 600,000 milesthis year, transporting more than12, 000 animals from Animal Care& Control of NYC (AC&C) shelters to no-kill rescueorganizations, foster homes and veterinary hospitals.
Thanks to your support, we have driven down the number ofanimals killed in our city shelters from three out of four in 2002to one out of three today. Together, we can reach our destinationof No-Kill NewYork City! Thank you, Jane Hoffman, president,Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals
FYI –In seven years, one unspayed female cat and her offspringcan reproduce 420,000 cats. Don’t delay: spay/neuter today.