P.S. 160 students celebrate Lunar New Year
Second grade students at P.S. 160 celebratedthe Lunar New Year in a special assembly for the community onJanuary 26. Through a partnership with Arts Connection, thestudents participated in traditional Chinese dance classes duringthe fall and winter with teaching artists, Jessie and Xhangi, fromthe New York Chinese Cultural Center.
Each second grade class performed a dance to celebrate the Yearof the Dragon. Student Ridha Khan was so happy to share the dancewith her mom. Student Karen Huang remembered seeing the Fan Danceon television when she lived in China. She was excited finally tolearn this traditional dance. The dance residency and performanceare part of P.S. 160’s ongoing celebrations of the many cultures inits community.
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On March 30, New Utrecht High School
The New Utrecht High School chorus visited Holy Family NursingHome during the holidays as it does every year. Led by musicteacher Ms. Elizabeth Brown, the chorus traveled from floor tofloor, singing to the residents and filling the day with music andjoy.
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A select group of eighth graders who have been accepted intoSaint Saviour High School have receivedscholarships. These students and their parents recently attended adinner at the school. At the dinner, they had the opportunity tomeet and talk to current students and faculty.