Nicolosi named new Bay Ridge Centerdirector
Marianne NicolosiLast year, Nicolosi, a Windsor Terrace resident, was named one ofBrooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes‘Extraordinary Women. Susan LavinWith his recent State of the Borough address and his Sweethearts’pre-Valentine’s Day ball at the El Caribe Country Club, BrooklynBeep Marty Markowitz has been in the local news alot.
However, one of his major annual fund-raising efforts, not for acampaign, but on behalf of disadvantaged children, took place thispast week in Sunset Park. We were able to join him, his wifeJamie and the Society of Old Brooklynites at theNew Spring Garden Restaurant, 912 65th Street for a celebration ofthe Chinese New Year.Among the honorees were Allan KramerGary FlomIrene LoReGeorge HulseSeated at the society table was Gene BrodySherman Silverman; society Corresponding SecretaryHolly Fuchs Kohler; retired professorAlfred Kohler; Consumer Federation ExecutiveDirector Peter Killen; former Bay Ridge CommunityCouncil President Patricia Killen; and BrooklynDemocrats for Change duo John and MaureenBrennan.Additionally, the credit union had its own sponsor table headed byits community affairs director Maria Rando. Amongthe other celebrants we spotted were Marty’s Senior AdvisorCarlo Scissura; his events coordinatorDebbie Garcia; Butch Moran; ourco-publisher Josh Schneps; Brooklyn BoroughHistorian Ron SchweigerRobert and BrianKassenbrock; 68th Precinct commander, CaptainRichard DiBlasio; New York State AssemblymemberPeter Abbate; Lutheran Medical Center VicePresident Mary Quinones; Marianne Nicolosi,executive director of the Bay Ridge Center; and FrankNaccaratoAccording to Markowitz, proceeds from the event help to sendchildren from low-income households to sleep-away summer camps.Last year, his Camp Brooklyn Fund was able to send 400 kids tosummer camp.**Congressmember Michael Grimm has bumped upBrooklynite Nick CurranFranVella-MarroneFor Vella-Marrone, it’s now an easy commute. Since she lives inDyker Heights, it’s a cake walk to Grimm’s 13th Avenueheadquarters.Not so easy for Curran. He now must travel daily to and fromGrimm’s Staten Island office. It’s a good thing his new post comeswith a raise in salary, because his commute over the VerrazanoBridge is going to add frequent miles to his EZ Pass; and un-likehis boss, Brooklynites do not get the same big discount as StatenIslanders. But you knew that, right?**Get ready for another fun-filled community picnic on the grounds ofFort Hamilton over-looking the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, on Sunday,May 6. Bay Ridge Community Council President AlexConti has already convened his first BRCC Picnic PlanningCommittee meeting and the goal is to draw even more than lastyear’s nearly 500 participants.**Glad to report our co-author of the new book, Bay Ridge,Etc.HeatherChinVinnie and MaryBocchino are celebrating 50 years of marital bliss, notsix decades. Nonetheless, quite a milestone for any couple toreach. When Vinnie mentioned his wedding anniversary, the room inthe restaurant we were at was a bit noisy and I guess it soundedlike 60.**Just learned Jim Clark’s grandson, also named James, has justopened what he refers to as an event and portrait studio, callediNsYnc Photography in the Dumbo section of Brooklyn at 67 JayStreet. The elder James is a retired NYPD officer, realtor and thepresident of the Bay Ridge Fifth Avenue BID. To contact the newstudio, call 718-551-2808 or via email——————————————————————————————————————To reach Ted General via the Internet, his e-mail address is:[email protected]———————————————————————————————————————