HEY JUDE: THIS IS URGENT- Foster or adopt poor Leila, a beautiful, one-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier. She is spayed and up to date with shots. Her mom relocated and found us, BROOKLYN ANIMAL FOSTER NETWORK, at the last minute before surrendering her to the ACC kill shelter on Linden Boulevard.
Leila is great with kids young and old. She is housetrained, too. She is so loving and snuggly; there is not a mean bone in her entire body. She will melt your heart. Any idea that you have about pit bulls being vicious will be changed by this total sweetheart. She is very obedient and attentive. If you show the slightest bit of love she will immediately dissolve.
Leila is active and playful. Towards other dogs, she exhibits curiosity without being territorial. This is critical. There is no room at the inn for this beauty. Can you open your heart and home to her? BAFN will deliver her. Please call Laurie at 917-754-3537. Thank you.
KITTIES NEED YOU TIGER, a five-year-old handsome male, is neutered with shots. He is a loveable brown tabby tuxedo kitty who loves to be brushed n cuddled. He is alone in the world, as his human mommy passed away. Please be his new friend; he will tickle your heart. Please call Tricia at 718-678-4629.
PATCH, a five-year-old, good lookin, mostly white male cat, with black splotches on his body and face, is neutered with shots. He is an enchanting kitty who loves to be brushed, cuddled n kissy kissy. He and Tiger are heartbroken as their human mommy passed. Please, he needs a new home and new friend. Contact Tricia 718-678-4629. See photos of Patch and Tiger at muffins.org/Cats1.htm
NOTE FROM BRETT: Our cat Max (you listed him as Sam) found a new home in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, thanks to the listing you added to your column on our behalf in the Brooklyn Spectator, February 24 to March 1. We tried so hard to find Max a home and it was a very challenging endeavor to say the least. Muffins.org was the only shining star! THANKS!
FUN CAT FACT: Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs only have about 10.