Muffin’s Pet Connection: January 14


HELP WILHELMINA: 12-year-old cat, crated 24/7 for years.  “I live in Williamsburg with my husband and our two rescued cats.  At a party, we met a woman who kept her de-clawed cat caged; she had anxiety and peed outside of the litter box. The daughter had gotten a dog.  She had made an appointment to take her perfectly healthy cat to the vet to be put down.

“Despite her vet explaining the cat’s issues were purely emotional, she could not be convinced to investigate other alternatives. We convinced her to let us take Wilhelmina. She is a doll, a beautiful loveable tabby. However, one of our two cats is an aggressive female, and the two of them are not getting along at all. The stress is unbearable in our home.

“Wilhelmina was extremely anxious when we tried to introduce her to our cats after several days of keeping them separate. Now, she is totally sequestered from the other cats, but it does not seem to be helping. Meanwhile, our cats are going nuts; they are not allowed in the bedroom and are starting to act aggressively towards each other which really upsets me. I really wanted to keep her, but she is not the right match for us.

“We want to do whatever we can to help her find a new quiet home where she can be the only cat. We have about lost our minds with the stress of all of this. Besides her
age, I think she would be completely adoptable. She barely looks six years old, and
in my opinion her personality is perfection–truly, I’ve never met a sweeter cat.”

Sincerely, Ariel Intravia

Please email:  [email protected] or call  504-451-8229.



DOG HEALTH: Chicken Jerky from China — A class action lawsuit has been filed against Waggin’ Train LLC and Nestle Purina Petcare Company for their allegedly toxic chicken jerky treats sold at Walmart. These companies received complaints of more than 500 incidents for which dog treats containing chicken jerky imported from China caused dogs to become sick or die; they did nothing but put a warning on their website.


“A meow massages the heart.” – Stuart McMillan.

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