Geraldo Rivera replants one of many trees uprooted by Sandy in McCarren Park

The rebuilding — and replanting — after Hurricane Sandy continues nearly seven months after the storm’s winds and floodwaters damaged buildings and parks. In McCarren Park, this means that dozens of trees are still being replanted or replaced.

One of them put down roots on Tuesday, May 28, thanks to Geraldo Rivera, the celebrity radio and TV host. Rivera came to McCarren Park this week to plant a spruce tree to replace the former “Geraldo Tree,” which had been uprooted during the storm.

Rivera was only one of several volunteers who came out to support the replanting effort, including MillionTreesNYC Director Morgan Monaco and North Brooklyn Parks Administrator Ed Janoff.

The new tree will count as part of the MillionTrees NYC initiative, which currently has over 745,000 new trees planted.

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