The idea that no one should have to fear going to their neighborhood park was paramount when Assemblymember Joseph R. Lentol met with Captain James Ryan from the NYPD’s 94th Precinct on Friday, July 12.
Residents of Greenpoint are increasingly saying that McGolrick Park, bordered by Driggs and Nassau Avenues, and Monitor and Russell Streets, is just not safe. They say the park has been a victim of vandalism and theft to the area’s benches and toolshed. Items such as a pitchfork, bolt cutters and weed whackers have recently been stolen from the park’s shed, and a fire in the park sparked more than just flames that had to be quickly doused with water and a fire extinguisher.
A blackout over the weekend of July 13-14 also added to the sense of unease among residents, with the park’s lightposts remaining unlit due to electrical issues, which have yet to be repaired by the city Department of Transportation.
“There is no excuse for the people of our community to fear going to their neighborhood park,” Lentol stated. “These acts are inexcusable and will not be taken lightly.”
The meeting between Captain Ryan, Lentol, Councilmember Stephen Levin and representatives from Friends of McGolrick Park was held to discuss safety precautions that residents and cops could take in general, as well as measures to directly combat the issue.
Ryan agreed to increase patrols in the surrounding area and Levin presented the idea to install security cameras in the park. Also proposed was the idea of closing the park earlier, although Lentol stated that they would not do that without first getting more input from the community.
“We are going to make sure that the necessary steps are taken to prevent this from happening in the future,” said Lentol, stressing that they need the community’s help to take down the vandals, “ so if you see something, call 911.”