Just days after the vandalism spree that rocked Bay Ridge, the neighborhood has been cleaned up.
According to Anthony Hazell, the assistant to the headmaster of Bay Ridge Prep, which is adjacent to the Union Church of Bay Ridge which had red paint smeared on its doors, all the institutions were told by the Police Department to hold off on until the investigation was finished.
“Two days after our school was vandalized, and after the NYPD had a suspect in custody, the graffiti was promptly removed and our building facade was restored to what it looked like before the events of July 30,” Hazell said.
At St. Anselm’s Church, the statues of Jesus on the crucifix and the Virgin Mary that were also doused with red paint, were removed.
All the other sites of vandalism, including the Bay Ridge Jewish Center and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church have either entirely removed or are in the process of removing the hateful graffiti.
According to police, 55-year-old Cristo Papademetropolos was arrested in connection with the crimes. He has not yet been charged.