ETIQUETTE BOSS: Teatime finesse

YOUR BEST INVESTMENT: Etiquette for Children

Tea Etiquette as guest (Part 2)

In last week’s column, parents were encouraged to teach their teenage daughter(s) some tips on being a good hostess when serving tea, but it is just as important to show a proper upbringing when attending such a function or simply drinking tea at a restaurant.

Here is the other side of that coin. When the tea is presented with lemon slices on a dish, if cloves are stuck in the slices (wedges are for fish) do not remove them unless you dislike cloves, as they are there to flavor the tea. No pressing of the lemon against the side of the teacup either, as it will draw without force.

After the tea is poured, she should not stir sugar or milk in circular motions as if creating a whirlpool. Instead, the tea should be gently moved from side to side in an arc.

Unless she is standing at a reception, the saucer and teacup should never be held together in the air. After taking a sip, the teacup should be replaced in the saucer instead of holding the tea in suspended motion while taking several sips and conversing.

Hold the teacup correctly by placing fingers to the front and back of the handle. No looping of fingers through the handle (as in a coffee mug) and no holding the bowl of the cup in her hand.

Have your daughter serve you at home for practice. Martha Stewart would agree “it’s a good thing.”

YOUR BEST APPEARANCE: Getting Rid of Laugh Lines continued

In addition to last week’s exercise to remove those pesky laugh lines, the following exercise will bring faster results. Do both exercises for 10 minutes daily and within two weeks you should see positive results.

Place your index fingers two to three inches inside both corners of the mouth, separating lips slightly. Do not stretch the mouth. Close your mouth and lips against the resistance of your fingers which are holding your mouth corners slightly open.

This exercise tones and builds the slack muscle, while helping to prevent laugh lines below the corner of the mouth.

Phillipa Morrish is the president of Etiquette Training International.

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