The contest between the PYO Browns and Raiders was anybodys ballgame until the end of the fourth quarter. To set the tempo of the challenge, Jack Sizzler Ryan began the blood-letting with athree- yard TD run and Robert Sun Dance Ferraioli added the extra point.
Anthony Mad Dog DEgidio retaliated for the Browns by fighting his way 10 yards to pay dirt, making it 7 to 6. This TD put the Browns in high gear and Francis Rosas kept the momentum by intercepting a Raider pass. DEgidio capitalized it with a nine-yard touchdown run, sizing the 12 to 7 lead. DEgidio recovered a Raider fumble and took it to the 20 yard line but the Raider defense kept the Browns at bay and they had to punt. Ferraioli returned the punt by battling down field to golden soil and Ryan added the extra point, giving the Raiders a 14 to 12 advantage at the half. DEgidio opened the second half after a hard drive downfield to score from the four and also added the point after, 19 to 14 Browns. The Raiders were not down and out. They still had a knock-out punch left. Ryan charged 40 yards to take back the lead, 20 to 19 and then scored again from the 13 yard line, putting the Raiders on the sunny side of the 26-19 ballgame. The Browns had their last chance to hit the boards again; unfortunately Marco Alicea rained on their parade with an outstanding interception. This absolutely awesome ballgame ended 26-19, Raiders and some of the players that gave outstanding performances were Steven Bone Crusher Sottile, Joshua Narvaez, Ferraioli, Alicea and Julien Delacruz of the Raiders.The meat and potatoes of the Browns were Joseph Dasaro, John Bull Dog Von Weken, Savastian Ortiz, Francis Rosas (Interception), DEgidio (fumble Recovery) and Dylan Bove.Leave a Reply
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