Muffin’s Pet Connection: Quitaro needs a home

PURRS…Hello friends!My name is QUITARO, (Key-tar-oh) a stunning Maine Coon look-alike with brown tabby tresses and bushy tail. I am neutered, up to date with vaccinations and Aids/leuk free. I am a loving five-year-old kitty seeking an adult home to cozy up in.

“I get stressed out sometimes so a home with no other cats would be purrr-fect!! I love to lounge in the sun and play with my favorite human companions, but they brought a new baby into our little apartment and we do not get along too well. I would love a little outdoor space to play in and a warm spot at the end of the bed to cuddle up at night. Anybody looking for a furry friend like me? Please contact Ben:(617) 686-9556or email- [email protected]


UPDATED NEWS: The ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL shelter, the ACC, euthanizes about 5,000 animals a year- there are not enough responsible homes for them.Rescue groups have been helping place animals; they are less likely get cage deprivation.

More than 20,000 homeless cats and dogs were rescued from city animal shelters last year, an 11percent increase over 2012. At the same time, the number of unwanted cats and dogs that had to be euthanized dropped by 30 percent — from 6,872 to 4,743, according to the ACC.

Executive Director Risa Weinstock commented that cats are in kitty condos instead of cages, and soothing music calms stressed-out animals. Potential adopters receive assistance at specialized areas away from the commotion of the shelter. Things are beginning to look up for our animal companions…there is light and hope at the end of their bleak tunnel.


HEY JUDE: For many years, I fed a colony of TNR’d cats at my side door. A starving, skinny cat came to my door howling to come inside on a night in January when temperature was only eight degrees. I let him stay in my basement.

I called him Muffin(did not even know about your organization’ssame name at the time).Took him tomy vet. There was no microchip or collar, he tested negative for FeLV and FIV, is neutered, approximately seven years old, and had a bad mouth infection. I paid the vet to take care of his dental work/infection.

Muffin purred while at the vet’s hospital. The doctor said, What a sweet cat; he is a real mush. Muffin loves attention, to be picked up, giving kisses. My four cats (one male and three females) hiss if Muffin gets too close. He needs a home. I will be moving withmy catsto Georgia within one year. Call Peggy Buchanan,718-465-6013, Hollis, NY 11423.


ADOPTION UPDATE: Tabs is in a Brooklyn foster with the wish of the woman (Roz) adopting her. Roz has other cats, and is hoping everyone gets along. At this moment ,Tabs’ new name Babs — named for Barbra Streisand. Babs enjoys playing with the cat-dancer wand and little toy mice.

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