Oh, Orly: Week of April 16

My husband and I divorced four years ago. Our daughter is now eight and she is being bullied at school. My husband says it’s just, kids being kids, but I am worried about my child. What do you suggest?

Fanny F.

Dear Fanny,

I agree, bullying at any age should not be taken lightly. I was bullied and it can damage a childÂ’s life at an early stage and it will impact the way he or she see the world and him or herself in it.

I can suggest having a conversation with the teachers and the principal of the school. There is no need to talk to the parents of the child that bullies because that is where he/she got it from.

Change schools and teach your child that sometimes new beginnings erase old wounds. I also would suggest that you get her into some kind of martial arts or self-defence class where they build self-esteem as well as character.

Let me know if this helped in any way. wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.

All for the best,


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