Oh, Orly: Week of April 24

With the New Year, I would like to be more organized. Do you have any tips or suggestions?

Lori S.

Dear Lori,

What a great question. I believe that getting organized is a one step to the bigger picture of staying organized if it is not in your nature already.

Here are a few tips. File rather than pile: Don’t move papers more than once. Label all boxes and folders in advance and as you go and make sure you have a place for them as well.

Any piece of clothing you have not worn for over two years, give to charity or put it aside and do an out-of-the-closet sale. Clean out all unpractical or unused items. The “what ifs” should be in a separate pile for something like a garage sale.

When you get organized, you need to change your mind set. Make sure you keep only what you really need and use. After you have cleaned out and organized your space, give yourself a reward and then make sure to keep it that way. Your life will change dramatically as a result of that.

Good luck, Lori.

All for the best ,


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