They were kings for a day. The Kings Bay Little League Baseball celebrated its 58th year of existence with an annual march to the newly manicured ball fields at Coyle Street and Voorhies Avenue on April 6.
It was a great day. The weather cooperated, which was really great after this winter that we had, said Larry Umland, director and vice president of the baseball program. The kids were there along with politicians and they had a great time.This year, the league, which has been around since 1958, featured 10 teams of children who marched to music with their folks and coaches. The numbers were a little down from last year, but it was still was a good turnout, he said. We had a nice parade. It started off with a drum corps marching with the players, who got to walk wearing their uniforms. We marched down Nostrand Avenue, a whole avenue block.Another aspect of the ceremony included honoring the Baseball Tomorrow Fund, which donated $15,000 last year to the youth organizations to help rebuild after Sandy. They made a significant contribution last year, led by Cathy Bradley, said Umland. Bradley is the executive director of the noble cause. We honored the organization by presenting it with a plaque.The Challenger Division Program separates this Little League from others. The program is dedicated to special needs children who may have various physical or emotional disabilities. Its definitely nice for the kids to be involved, said Umland.After the pomp and circumstance concluded, four games were played to kick off the season. And the sluggers and pitchers are definitely happy that this is just the start of a promising baseball season. The parade gives us attention and recognition, Umland emphasized.To learn more about the baseball league and other events, visit day ceremony kicks off baseball season for Kings Bay Baseball

A group of Kings Bay kids gather for a photo op.