Oh, Orly: Week of May 28

I love your column and I have a question. My son is five years old and in kindergarten. I noticed that he is shy around the other kids in his class, yet at home, he has no problem playing with his cousins. Any advice on how I can help him?

Lori P.

Dear Lori,

I would first suggest you ask your son if there is anything at kindergarten that he does not like, and why does he not play with the other kids. Depending on his answer, you will find out a little more and see if he could have social anxiety and isn’t able to express it.

This means he is just overwhelmed by so many strangers that he just keeps to himself. You can contact your local community centre or YMCA to see if they have any Mommy and Me classes. Those classes are absolute a must for children under the age of 7.

Take him to other events that are fun, but he will be around strangers such as Chuck E. Cheese, and slowly he will gain more confidence in different surroundings. Let me know of his progress, Lori. I would love to hear from you.

All for the best,


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