MEEOWS MEEOWS: LicoriceAlso, I had an abscess on my foot and needed surgery. I was in excruciating pain, crying for my human mommy, hoping she would hear me. For days, my cries went unheard. Eventually, a nice man rescued me and brought me to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. I went to a veterinarian, who discovered I needed surgery to remove the abscess, and repair my foot.
But, if the infection is already in my bones, I may become an amputee. I am sporting this cool blue bandage, am in terrible pain, taking pain meds to help me cope. Despite my pain, I am a fabulously friendly fella, who wants to be cuddled – in a forever loving home. Would you like to meet me? This could be the beginning of a friendship.The folks at Itty Bitty Kitty are accepting donations towards Licorice’s surgery. Once his paw is fixed or amputated, they would like him adopted into a forever loving home. To meet Licorice, please call 917-889-5896. To offset medical cost, an adoption fee is requested. A large hard cat carrier is required for transporting Licorice to his new home.***WOOF WOOF: Hello, my name is Tiffany. I am a beautiful, peaceful, loving, brown-colored, short-hair,pure-breed, two-year-eight-month-oldChihuahuaI love wetfood-Caesars, Pedigree. I love to cuddle with my mommy and daddy, and play with my toys. My parents loveme deeply butcan no longer care for me because they work all day and take care oftheir human babies who are very needy. I suffer from seizures on occasion but they are in control overall with medication.Please find me a loving home, as I want to live a long happy life. Thank you. Please contact my daddy at 917-365-9253 or [email protected].***UPDATE ABOUT KING, THE CAT WHO WAS KICKED IN THE AIR…AND SURVIVED! He now resides in Manhattan with an anonymous cat lover. This gray tuxedo kitty has a great life, being spoiled with love.***IN LOVING MEMORY: Scooby, 13 years old, black and white Shih Tzu, crossed over the rainbow bridge on June 13. He was a sweet and faithful dog to his owners with a character that was unmatchable. Adopted at almost six years of age with many health issues, he thrived until he reached his old age. He was loved and gave a lot of love back. He will be missed. — Szani, Hekto and Leo DishnicaMuffin’s Pet Connection: Healing cats with love

Licorice needs a loving home.