Our unsung hero of the week is a hard-working U.S. Army veteran, who had a second career as a teacher at Fort Hamilton High School until his retirement in 2005.
Tom Greene has spent most of his life in public service. He worked tirelessly to see the swimming pool built at Fort Hamilton High School. This pool is used by dozens of community groups free of charge. He also served as president of the Bay Ridge Community Council. Tom has led the way in the effort to establish a marine environmental science lab at Denyse Wharf, located at 101st Street and Shore Road.
On Sunday, October 19, he will spearhead the 25th Annual Denyse Wharf Beach Clean Up on the Brooklyn shore, 100 yards south of the Verrazano Bridge. We are thankful for the dedication of men such as Tom Greene in Bay Ridge.
Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams will be honored by the Resource Training Counseling Center, at its 20th anniversary dinner, to be held at the Bay Ridge Manor, on Saturday, October 4, from 7 p.m. President of the Center Donna Mae DePola has opened a new center at 408 77th Street, and this dinner will help to support this non-profit organization. There will be an open bar, dinner and dancing. Tickets are $100 per person.Please call 718-833-3320 for reservations.
BRAVO’s 40th anniversary felt like a college reunion. I was happy to sit at a table with pioneers Myles Davis, Clorinda Annarummo and Donna Mae DePola, as past and present volunteers met, looked over old pictures and reminisced. It was a wonderful occasion. I missed my old friend, BRAVO founder Hank Vogt. May BRAVO continue to serve the needs of our community.