Beating Cancer in Heels: 10/30

Do you love yourself enough?

Throughout life we keep learning a lot about ourselves. We learn who we are, what we want and how will we go about getting it. When it comes to loving ourselves more, sometimes was forget to have that on our priority list.

For me, it took fighting cancer to realize that I do love myself. With that said, it that doesn’t mean that I loved myself enough. I found myself putting the needs of others before my own.

I was doing this without taking the time to process how it was affecting me. I found myself feeling like I was getting the life sucked out of me and wasn’t receiving the appreciation or loyalty from the others I was giving so much to.

I didn’t realize it right away because I had bigger issues on my mind like FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE, but sometimes some people take advantage of the way you have changed after your illness.

This realization was something that I tried to be blind to because I didn’t want to think that the same people I gave so much love to were as selfish as they truly are. Being honest with the reality of their actions made me feel hurt, but soon after empowered to do something about it.

I reminded myself that I loved myself more today than ever before and I don’t keep fighting for my life to keep negative energy around me.

As a survivor, we especially need to make ourselves happy and have people around us that appreciate our existence, the people who have empathy for the struggles we go through and want to add to our happiness, just as you should be doing for them.

I tried to work through some of the relationships but I was just lying to myself. So they eventually fizzled out. When I would miss the good memories I had with these people, I quickly remembered the reality of how they treated me and replaced that feeling with empowerment.

This empowerment of loving myself enough to get away helped me make better choices as to whom I give to and how much I give.

No one is perfect, but without respect, loyalty and boundaries, the word love does not have meaning and I don’t like the feeling of being lied to.

Now that I have shared my personal awakening of loving myself enough to get away from negative people, let’s do the same for you! You have to build a LIFE TEAM that wants to see or help you succeed in this life. That, my Coachee, is what you deserve.

When it comes to evaluating your LIFE TEAM, ask yourself… How does this person make me feel?

When I think about life without them what thoughts go through my head?

What type of people do I want to be surrounded by?

Am I honest about the actions of this person?

Have I addressed these issues with them before and, if so, was a change made?

Life Coach TIP: Write this down is a few visible places — “Love yourself more.”

Empowerment: You become like the five people you surround yourself with. Choose carefully.

Inspiration for the week: <- This movies addresses some of the relationship issues that come with fighting a life-threatening illness.

Calming sentence of the week – I can always from a distance.

That’s it for today, Coachee! Stay tuned for more tips and stories from your Life Coach Marlena!

If you are interested in being coached one on one please contact me at [email protected]. You can also follow me on Facebook, Beating Cancer In Heels and Marlena Ortiz.




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