The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) met with local pols on Tuesday, May 26 in hopes of encouraging community groups, non-profits and property owners to apply for new green project funding made available through the 2015 Green Infrastructure Grant Program – one, they promise, provides funding for storm water management projects, such as rain gardens, permeable pavements and green roofs.
“Building green infrastructure is one of the most direct ways New Yorkers can help improve our environment, and we’ll pay for the work,” said DEP Commissioner Emily Lloyd. “Green projects also help to clean the air, provide shade in the summer and make neighborhoods more livable.”
“This is an exciting opportunity,” echoed Borough President Eric Adams. “When we green it in Brooklyn, we mean it, and now we can do it for free.”
Since 2011, DEP has committed more than $13 million to fund 33 different projects with private property owners, who have contributed nearly $6 million in matching funds.
For more information or to learn how to apply, e-mail [email protected].