One of Brooklyn’s largest cultural exchanges occurred in an event on Sunday, August 2 led by Borough President Eric Adams.
“International Day of Friendship, a holiday which is formally recognized worldwide, allows us to attract hundreds of Brooklynites to enjoy the borough’s diversity,” said Adams.
Middle Eastern belly dancing and a staged Guyanese wedding were just two of the many cultural performances that took place. A march from the Brooklyn Bridge to Cadman Plaza Park featured an array of flags from around the world.
According to Adams, 47 percent of Brooklynites speak a language other than English at home.
“Our borough and our city are such a special place to live, because here integration of different cultures occurs. It’s what I call ‘Brooklyn Fusion,’” said Adams, who began the celebration last year.
Although the U.N. declared July 30 as official International Friendship Day in 2011 to advance cultural tolerance and understanding, some countries celebrate the event in early August.
“The U.N. might be in Manhattan, but the United Nations of people are right here in Brooklyn,” said Adams. “To see, hear and experience the incredible array of cultures that make up the borough is an incredibly strong image.”