Local group holds candlelight vigil for peace on MLK day

Peace Action Bay Ridge Interfaith Peace Coalition honored the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, January 18 by “committing to light the dream” at its annual evening candlelight vigil.

This year’s vigil — hosted at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (7420 Fourth Avenue) — had a special focus on curbing gun violence across the country.

Peace Action works locally on peace initiatives, according to its website, and brings the community’s views to the attention of the public and local elected officials.

“In spite of the weather, it was an excellent turnout,”said Vicki McFadyen, president of Peace Action.

While McFadyen was unable to physically attend this year’s vigil, the news of its success struck a chord with her.

“I was thrilled to hear that so many of our members and others came out,” she said. “And I think talking about our gun laws is so important. Even without the mass shootings, there are other shootings that don’t get reported and it’s just too many. We have more shootings than any other developed country in the world — and I think that’s because we have such loose gun laws.”


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