Even though Christmas is over, Christmas trees are still in high demand.
On Saturday, January 9 and Sunday, January 10, the 20th Annual MulchFest took place at nearly 80 locations across the five boroughs, including Owls Head Park at Colonial Road and 68th Street. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. people were encouraged to bring their trees to any of the chipping locations or drop-off sites, which were set up as early as Saturday January 2.
The event was a joint effort between NYC Parks, Department of Sanitation, GreeNYC and numerous community organizations.
MulchFest provides an opportunity for Christmas trees to be turned into wood chips to be used to nourish trees, parks and gardens throughout the city. People who dropped their trees off were encouraged to take a free bag of mulch home for themselves.
“There are countless ways we can care for our parks, and MulchFest is one of the simplest and most fun,” noted Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver, stressing that the effort helps “keep our environment healthy and nutrient-rich.”
According to the Parks Department, over 30,000 trees citywide were recycled during this year’s MulchFest, which Director of GreeNYC Roya Kazemi called, “An easy and fun way for New Yorkers to make a difference by recycling and reusing tens of thousands of trees as mulch in our parks across the city. This goes a long way in helping us to reduce waste and to reach the important goals set forth in the mayor’s OneNYC plan.”
Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia agreed. “Many of the items we may no longer need or want can be given a new life through reuse and recycling,” she said, “and Christmas trees are no exception. Our partnership with NYC Parks helps give these trees new life and helps make New York a cleaner and greener city. The chipped trees will nourish parks, gardens and woodsy public areas year round.”