A warm welcome: Fort Hamilton’s new command team introduced at meet and greet

Let’s give a warm welcome to Fort Hamilton Army Base’s new command team.

The Fort Hamilton Citizens Action Committee hosted an event to welcome the neighborhood’s new colonel and command sergeant major late last month.

The two hour meet-and-greet for Colonel Peter A. Sicoli and Command Sergeant Major Tony C. Stephens took place on Monday, October 26 at Gargiulo’s Restaurant, 2911 West 15th Street, at 6 p.m.

“We thought a good way to formally introduce them to the community leaders is to have a little cocktail sip,” said Bill Guarinello, president of the Fort Hamilton Citizens Action Committee.

Attendees, including politicians and community groups, had the chance to informally meet and talk to the new command team. The colonel also gave a couple of words and provided his background.

“The purpose is to form a good liaison between the army and the community,” Guarinello said.

Sicoli took over for Colonel Joseph Davidson who, after two years with the Fort Hamilton Army Base, headed to West Point Military Academy, where he now serves as commandant.

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