Coming to all 85,000 parking spots served by Department of Transportation (DOT) Muni-Meters by summer 2017, ParkNYC, a new way to pay for on-street parking, debuted in midtown on Monday, December 19, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration announced.
Implemented by DOT and operated by Parkmobile, LLC, ParkNYC will allow motorists throughout New York to pay remotely for parking using an online system that links registered license plate numbers to NYPD traffic enforcement agents’ handheld devices, according to the Mayor’s office.
“Parking in New York City can be a challenge, but ParkNYC will make it just a bit easier,” said de Blasio. “With no paper receipt and the ability to quickly get on your way, this new pay-by-cell tool fulfills our commitment – made in this year’s State of the City address – that we would help save New Yorkers the most precious of resources: their time.”
According to the mayor’s office, the app is extremely user-friendly and simple to navigate. Users first download the app, then enter their personal info, provide their license plate, load their form of payment and enter the unique zone number where they parked and the length of time. Time can even be extended via the mobile app without returning to the car.