American has its share of real heroes, men and women who put their own lives at risk to save others. Last week, Las Vegas was where America’s most recent crop of true heroes could be found.
They were the men and women who helped evacuate the concert venue and then returned to help evacuate more as bullets flew through the air. It was those who shielded loved ones and those they had never met with their own bodies, risking a high likelihood that they could be killed.
In some ways, the heroes of Las Vegas reminded me of the heroes of 9/11. The office worker who carried a co-worker down many flights. The fireman who returned to a tower to help a second time only to be met with death.
These are ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. And I am grateful that America seems to have more than a few brave men and women willing to risk their own lives to save others.
As of this writing, the motive of the shooter Stephen Paddock has not yet been determined. The interviews with people who knew him provide scant insight beyond his loner traits. It is quite possible we will never know his motive. It is also possible that his only motive was a desire to kill.
Sadly, history is dotted with these madmen who enjoy getting blood on their hands. What is so baffling in this case is the lack of any prior indications or actions.
Maybe the autopsy will show some disturbance in his brain that helps explain his actions. For now, it is a mystery that in itself is quite disturbing.
The New York State Conservative Party is asking for a NO vote on calling a New York State Constitutional Convention. With the Conservative Party’s involvement, there is a broad coalition of liberal, conservative and labor groups opposing the convention. Each group has different reasons.
Here are the Conservative Party’s reason for voting NO on Proposal 1:
The Convention held in 1967 resulted in no changes but was incredibly expensive. A convention held today will cost even more and is certain to be controlled by the special interest groups that have the resources to elect delegates.
Presently, there is a mechanism in place to amend the current Constitution without going through the expense of a full convention. In fact, there are two amendments on the ballot this year.
Other groups, such as organizations representing government workers on all levels, note that a convention could significantly change the state’s pension system. Although those who are already receiving a pension cannot be affected, anyone who is a current state, city or local government employee is at risk.
Other more conservative types worry that a New York City-dominated convention could result in changes that are undesirable and for years have been stopped in the state Senate.
Congratulations to Ted Ghorra and his team on being re-elected as the leadership of the Brooklyn Republican Party. With the exception of opposition from Lucretia Regina Potter, which amounted to less than 10 percent of the votes cast, Ted was re-elected overwhelmingly.