Driver issued summonses after fatal accident
A 30-year-old Sunset Park woman and mother of two died on Mondayafter being struck by a construction van at the intersection ofFifth Avenue and 56th Street.The woman, whose name has not been released, was on the FifthAvenue crosswalk just before noon on April 18 when the van’sdriver, heading eastbound on 56th Street, made a right turn ontothe avenue, striking her. The driver stayed at the scene. Policeofficers said that both the woman and the van driver had thelight.Several passersby called police, who said that the woman was rushedto Lutheran Medical Center where she was pronounced dead from bluntforce trauma to the head.According to a police source, there were several witnesses at thescene, some of whom said that the van driver, an Asian male, wasdriving aggressively, a little bit fast. The van driver has notbeen charged with a crime at this time, but was issued twosummonses by highway officials, one for being an unlicensedoperator and one for failing to yield to a pedestrian.