Say hello to Sunset Park’s newest residents – 102 curvy trashcans.
The decorative Victor Stanley waste receptacles arrived threeweeks ago and have been placed on every corner of Fifth Avenue,from 38th Street to 64th Street, thanks to federal funding securedby Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez in response to resident andbusinessowner concerns about garbage spilling out of the oldsidewalk trash bins.
The new cans resemble those seen in some parts of Manhattan.They are larger than the regular baskets and designed with smalleropenings on the top, in order to prevent illegal usage by peopledumping household garbage and oversized boxes.
The Sunset Park Business Improvement District has contractedwith Brooklyn-based JAG Cleaning and Maintenance for a sanitationcrew to line and empty the garbage pails and do other supplementalcommercial cleaning services on the avenue four days a week. On theother days, the city’s Department of Sanitation is scheduled toempty the new pails.