Play ball!
With a parade of children decked out in uniforms marching all theway from St. Anselm’s, at Fourth Avenue and 82nd Street, to FortHamilton High School’s field, St. Anselm’s Youth Activities kickedoff its baseball/softball season on Saturday, April 2.Among those present to get the season off to a good start wereSandy the Seagull, the Cyclones’ mascot, and local electedofficials including Borough President Marty Markowitz,Assembly-member Nicole Malliotakis and City Councilmember VincentGentile.Over 250 children play for St. Anselm’s baseball and softballteams.In addition, St. Anselm’s hosts a league in which some 500 childrenparticipate. The season will go on until mid-June.To check out the schedule of games, visit: a Reply
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