When Agatha Alicandro was five years old, she used to play inthe schoolyard at P.S. 127. It wasn’t much of a yard, really — itwas a parking lot. But that’s the way the school grounds stayedduring Alicandro’s entire time as a student, even when she went onto serve P.S. 127 as a teacher and then as assistant principal.However, a little over a year into her time as the school’sprincipal, a grassy playground has finally come to Alicandro’sschool.
On June 14, thanks to the efforts of Councilmember VincentGentile to secure the necessary funding, the long years of theschool’s student body playing on the pavement have come to a close,with a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the school’s newgrassier outside.
According to Alicandro, the potential gains are endless for thestudents at the school that has loomed so large in her ownlife.
I think there’s so much possibility that comes out of thisproject, and so much they’ve gained academically, socially andeconomically, she said.